QIX was founded in 2006 by Stelios Haritakis, who had considerable professional experience in the Consulting and IT fields.
QIX’s activity in the private sector mainly focuses on funding opportunities for corporate business plans through State or Community programs. The company specializes on investment aid schemes concerning:
- Technological development in the tourism, industry, services, trade and shipping sectors
- Establishment, extension and modernization of hotel facilities
- Introduction of new products and services for IT and Telecommunications
QIX also develops Quality Management Systems, Information Security Systems, Environmental Management Systems and Food Safety Management Systems
QIX provides technical advisor and management support services to organizations and institutions of the public and state sector and to Local Government.
QIX supports the Intermediary Administration Entities (IAE) of the 3rd CSF (Community Support Framework) and NSRF (National Strategic Reference Framework) in assessing and certifying the integrated projects.
Description of QIX activities and research interests
The company was founded in 2006 by a shareholder with rich professional experience in the field of consulting companies as well as in the field of information technology. In the private sector the company has two activities: (a) provision of specialized consulting and technical services and (b) IT services and products.
Consulting and technical services
Special Feasibility Studies
In the last 10 years the company has prepared more than 400 specific feasibility studies related to the implementation of projects in all sectors of the economy and with special emphasis on information technology, telecommunications, drug development, industry, materials sector, transport and tourism. The aim of these studies is to identify and describe the strengths and weaknesses of the investment, the opportunities and threats, the necessary resources and the organizational structure for the implementation of the project, its financing, the competition as well as its commercial utilization.
Information systems application studies
QIX provides comprehensive information systems analysis and design services, offering all the necessary technical support consulting services from the design phase to the receipt phase of an information system. The services include the Analysis of the current situation of the body or the unit of application of the PS, the Analysis of Functional Specifications and the Architecture of the PS, the writing of tender documents, the support services of the body for the integration of the PS (redesign procedures, transition planning, training etc) and the evaluation of its operation.
IT services and products
The company has developed IT applications based on the design and implementation of applications related to business processes, project management, market analysis and managed mobility applications. In this context, the company currently develops and has the following innovative platforms:
A. RepView Product: Reputation Management Tool through the collection and utilization of semantic information and emotion extraction.
B. PRT: Project Resource Tracking Platform.
C. Managed mobility applications for hotels and commercial businesses. These are specialized IT applications that integrate the corporate applications of a company and transfer them to mobile devices without changing the existing infrastructure of the company or its internal processes. In this way users can literally “transfer their office” to mobile devices, tablets, etc.
D. AdWizard: Suite of targeted advertising applications. The company has developed and sold applications based on the AdWizard platform with the main object of managing the advertising budget of companies that advertise on the internet.
E. SaaS Network Affiliation, Reputation Management and Seo Analytics Services
The development of (A) was done through the action ICT4GROWTH while B, C and D and E have been strengthened by the programs “Processing in New Conditions”, “New Innovative Entrepreneurship”, B ‘NSRF Action and Upgrading of Existing Companies
In particular, in relation to the proposed project and in the field of Big Data Analytics, QIX as a technology supplier has participated in the following projects in the last 3 years:
“Development of a lending platform between individuals (P2P LENDING)” for PROFILE A.E., in the framework of the ICT4Growth Action
“Development of autonomous applications for the management of business processes (processes) and events (events)” for NETU HELLAS A.E., in the framework of the ICT4Growth Action
“Financial Data Portfolio Optimization & Risk Management Software (ISR_3467)
Research interests vector
In recent years QIX has invested in research and development projects which have been co-financed by NSRF actions such as “INNOVATION COUPON”, ICT4GROWTH, “NEW INNOVATIVE ENTREPRENEURSHIP”, “METAPOSI” », Κα. The research activities and related products mainly concern IT and the areas of Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and Sentiment & Aspect Analysis. Also, the company has invested significantly in the field of managed mobility.
Through the above actions, QIX has invested in the last 10 years approximately 900,000 euros in new product development and technological modernization projects.
Description of available equipment / infrastructure
The company has modern IT equipment in both PC and business software.
Specifically at the H / W level it has
6 heavy duty servers that support applications
Desktops and laptops for 16 simultaneous jobs (staff and partners)
5 Photocopiers and printers
Network equipment, call center, etc.
At the level of business software it has
Citron ERP / CRM and Document Server
Workflow Management System
MS Project Server
eFront Enterprise Server to support e-learning
Autonomous mail server and of course website
The company is certified according to ISO 9001: 2015